Here is a question for everyone – tell us your favorite release from either BSX or Dragon’s Domain Recording as of this date.
Also while you are at it, let us know which one is your least favorite as well – and, if you don’t mind, tell us why.
Just post on the blog’s comment section.
Thank you – and have a great Holiday Season!
- The Staff of BSX
Michael Collins - January 05, 2021
Favorites: All of the Mark Snow releases, but special favorites are the two Collection Volumes, Coeurs and Night Sins. More Mark Snow please!! :)
In response to Tory Harbin’s comment about Helter Skelter, it’s not an easy listening experience but the score fits the TV film perfectly and definitely deserves its Emmy nomination. And I’m thankful that BSX took a risk with this release. Perhaps more melodic scores might help to dispel the myth that Snow is all-dark-synth? For example, Snow scored a bunch of excellent scores still waiting for a release: An American Story, Children of the Dust, The Day Lincoln Was Shot, A Loss of Innocence, etc. I’d snap them up instantly!
Chris Mason - December 18, 2020
Lived Megaforce Yor buck rogers moon 44 Joel Goldsmith Jerry Goldsmith James Bond OSTs. Im looking fir Stargate TV stuff. Best of the Best 2 ost. Das Boot. Movie and TV series osts sci fi stars stuff. And 80s movies Osts
Tobias Börjesson - December 17, 2020
The best is definitely Joel Goldsmith`s The Untouchables and the the Joel Goldsmith Collection volume 1: Home For Christmas & One Good Turn. They are the best because it really shows the listener how good Joel really was. Please more Joel Goldsmith scores and those I think is his best is: Joshua Tree, Man`s Best Friend, Rattled and The Man With Two Brains among others. These are so good that they deserve to be released some day. The worst is Harry Manfredini`s Timemaster because apprantly the music was not as good as I initially thought when I watched the movie back in the day when it was released.
Stefan Minder - December 15, 2020
I like the James Horner releases, “Battle beyond the stars” and “Humanoids from the Deep”. Also all the Poledouris stuff. And the Brian May releases are great. Well, that’s more than one but it’s really hard to pick just one.
Paul Goltz - December 02, 2020
Two that spring to mind—Music from the Films of Ridley Scott and Film Noir’s Finest ( for the Theme from Shamus).
Alf Messina - December 02, 2020
Best: “Avalanche”
Please can we have more Paul Chihara i.e. “The Dark Secret of Harvest Home”
GLENN R WARREN - November 27, 2020
HARDLY WORKING and ONE MAN JURY by Morton Stevens – without a doubt!
These two titles are among the best in my collection!:-)
Tor Y Harbin - November 21, 2020
Favorites so far: Goldsmith’s The Untouchables, Ragland’s Jaguar Lives, Morris’s The Scarlet Letter/The Electric Grandmother (please do more John Morris albums!), Cirino’s Deathstalker II/Chopping Mall, Chihara’s Volume 3 Collection and Holdridge’s Transylvania 6-5000.
Least: the unmusical Helter Skelter (though, in fairness, Snow’s Seduced and Betrayed on his Volume 2 Collection is delightful)